Join Forces with a Team of No-Nonsense Ethical Hackers & Security Engineers

Become the First Line of Digital Defense

Secure Network Technologies offers a unique specialization in Penetration Testing and Incident Response, with over twenty-four years in business. Our dedicated team is experienced in providing forensic investigations, intelligence services and a deep commitment to learning how the world’s most notorious criminals do their digital dirty work – so we can protect clients like yours against it.

Services We Provide

Secure Network Technologies believes, and our experience confirms, that its unique specialization and effectiveness in Penetration Testing and Incident Response will greatly augment the security hardness of your clients’ networks. Explore these and additional services here.

Advanced Penetration Testing

Our pen-testers don’t just run a scan; the industry-standard tool are only the start. With deep crimeware research, forensic resignaturing and lifelong experience in exploiting vulnerabilities, we search and destroy the bad guys’ methods for your clients’  protection.

Incident Response Services

When your client experiences a cyber attack, it can be the worst day they’ve ever had in their career. We have negotiated ransoms with the world’s most notorious cybercrime groups and successfully assisted many clients at various scales with recovery from an attack.

Forensic Digital Investigations

In the aftermath of a cyber attack, digital forensic services are required to identify the origin, culprits and breakpoints that compromized your client’s network. We employ years of federal and corporate experience to get answers, so your clients can take action and prevent future incidents.

Purple-Team Wargame Exercises

If your clients’ blue teams have been looking for a red team to execute tabletop exercises with, you’ve found us. We bring an endless codex of attack vectors to the table to help your clients prepare for and prevent all conceivable vulnerabilities and backdoors.

Benefits of Partnership

Become a reseller of our services and expand your organization’s ability to provide indispensable capabilities in the effort to protect your clients’ networks, data, finances, reputations and more. We offer a number of benefits with your Partner Status – learn more here.

Earn Commission & Offer Extended Services

Secure Network expands your organization’s ability to assist your customers with exceptional security services. When you forward a qualified client to Secure Network, you can earn commission and grow your partner status. Please note that Secure Network Technologies does not offer remediation services.

Useful Sales & Marketing Resources

When you become a Secure Network Preferred Partner, you gain access to a wealth of marketing materials, visual promotions, videos and more. We even offer re-branding services through our creative partner, so you can sell our white-labelled security services effectively.

Training & Education for Selling INFOSEC

Selling cyber security services can sometimes be a lot like selling insurance – in that it is not usually considered until there’s a real problem. That makes it a sales challenge. We offer training resources and videos for how to address resistance, close more sales and get your clients protected.

Individualized Sales Assistance & Rewards

We want to see our partners truly succeed, and we want to celebrate our success together. Secure Network Partners get special attention from our administrative and sales team to help you grow, experience higher close rates and earn great rewards for high performance!

Your Clients Need a Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Cybercrime.

Our team specializes in administering swift incident response and preventative testing. With the cost of cyber insurance increasing and the rate of successful cyber attacks growing by the second, partnering with the right information security team will reduce the success rate of criminal attempts, protect your customer from attacks before they even start, and even reduce the cost of your clients’ cyber insurance policies.